Samuel Magid
Executive Director
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
Copenhagen, Denmark
22 profile visitsSpeaker
About me
Samuel Magid leads Copenhagen Energy Islands, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ Energy Islands development company.
Mr. Magid has more than 15 years’ experience within large scale energy and infrastructure projects.
Prior to joining CIP Mr. Magid worked at McKinsey & Company and in the Danish Civil Service.
My organisation
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
Speaker sessions (1)
Thursday, 3 October 2024
12:00 - 12:20
The Nordics – Northern Europe’s Clean Energy Resevoir? by Samuel Magid
Format:In-personLocation:Martinikerk - Het SchipTrack:Plenary session
The countries around the North Sea and the Baltic Sea can provide a significant share of the green hydrogen North West Europe needs for the green transition of hard to abate sectors at a cost that is competitive against non-European imports.